Software Architect, Technical Lead
Tech, Risk, Leadership
I'm a curious Software Architect, always looking for interesting projects to work with.
Currently working as Senior Software Developer/Architect with leadership responsibilities at Deutsche Börse Group.
Tinkering with Web3 and blockchain technologies in my free time.
When not in front of the laptop, tinkering with projects, I can be found either in gym or with books or planning upcoming trip to my next destination, where I can explore and improve on my nature photography skills.
Welcome to my CV site which also serves as demo for responsivive dynamic web development.
Work Portfolio includes only the open-source Web Development and Android projects.
Full time Software Developer and Architect, focusing on high frequency trading and customer facing software modules
- Working with high frequency, low latency multi-threaded distributed trading system
- Designed architecture for a novel Single Sign-On system to interact with more than 20 internal tools
- Designed and implemented Support Site to monitor hundreds of FX transactions for clients, and integrated
with Request for Stream (RFS), Execution Management System (EMS)
- Worked with MiFID II regulation tool (Directive 2014/65/EU), while improving the architecture and partially implemented it
- Worked with EMS tools like Change Request, Company Administrator - a tool to manage market-maker entities
- Worked with Docker infrastructure to write and maintain different auto deploy scripts for different part of
the trading platform independently of other components
- Helped in migrating older code-base form subversion to git. Wrote some industry standard git hooks to
accommodate existing workflow.
Part time, Platform as a Service Developer, focusing on internal tools and non-customer facing software
- Modified and maintained Patch Tool, that is used by every developer to transfer changed classes quickly
to distributed development machine
- Worked on dependency management tools and helped in moving the retro components from Maven to Gradle
and designed necessary automated build systems around them
- Supported more than 200 developers with integration and troubleshooting and usage of internal tools
Software developer for development of Industrial Automation.
- Worked on PHP based, EFRIS (Easy Flexible Reliable and Intelligent Solution) ERP & CMS system.
- Worked on REST API to make an API for the system from the Scratch.
- Worked on Android app based on Ionic Cordova.
- Worked on MongoDB integration of existing Php-MySQL platform.
- Worked on automated Indexing of MySQL database.
- Worked on modifying MEAN stack with MySQL.
Full Stack Software Developer working as freelancer and independent consultant
- Interacted with approximately 50 clients, where many start from freelance development and turning into
long term maintenance
- More than 15 projects on PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, most of them were for public open source media listing
- Interacted with clients for around 20 custom projects with open source duscission forum software like
vBulletin, Invition Power Board (IPB), phpBB, Simple Machines Forum etc
- Around 20 projects in Wordpress (popular blogging software) for both individuals and companies
- Language and Technology stack: PHP, CSS, HTML5, MySQL, Redis
- Developed a centralized Server-side application and client-side application (Multi Platform) that allows easy adaptation and
creation of botnet crawlers for P2P-based botnets
- Implemented server side code in Java and the client side application was implemented in python. Server
could handle 0.1 million requests from clients per second.(Implemented Ring Buffer)
- Utilized docker for setting up the overall system
- Utilized NoSQL databases such as Redis, MongoDB to persist data
Graduated in May 2012
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